MSDA Faculty
MSDA faculty conduct research on topics including, but not limited to, dementia, cognitive impairment, long-term care workers, caregiving, aging-in-place and dementia-friendly environments. They present their research at national and international conferences, including the Gerontological Society of America, International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics World Congress and the American Society on Aging. Faculty have published books, book chapters and peer-reviewed journal articles in top venues in their field, such as The Gerontologist, Social Science and Medicine, Innovation in Aging, Aging & Mental Health, and the Journal of Gerontology.
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School of Healthcare Administration
Communication Disorders
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Dr. Bradley M BeauvaisBeauvaisBradleyAssociate ProfessorEmail: bmb230@txstate.eduENC 250(210) 627-1078Biography and EducationDr. Beauvais is an educator and consultant in the field of health care management with a primary focus on quality improvement via innovative financing strategies and executive leadership development. He holds degrees from Colorado State (BS, MBA), the University of Oklahoma (MA in Economics), and Penn...View Full Biography and Education for Dr. Bradley M BeauvaisTeaching InterestsHealth care finance, health care economics, health care quality.Research InterestsDr Beauvais specializes in graduate level instructional design in the areas of applied finance, business valuation, and executive leadership focused on quality improvement. He is interested in research of health care organization quality, patient safety, and financial performance and has published in...View Full Research Interests for Dr. Bradley M Beauvais
Dr. Olga S GerhartGerhartOlgaLecturerEmail: ogg3@txstate.eduJCK 489(512) 245-5291Research InterestsClassical American Philosophy
Applied Ethics and Aging
Applied Ethics and Dementia -
Dr. Christopher J JohnsonJohnsonChristopherClinical ProfessorEmail: cjj38@txstate.eduTHH 449(512) 245-5693Biography and EducationDr. Johnson was Director of Gerontology for the Institute of Gerontology at the University of Louisiana for 27 years. He developed an award winning M.A. in Gerontology online there. Former Governor Foster of Louisiana awarded his degree the distinction of being one of the top academic programs in the...View Full Biography and Education for Dr. Christopher J JohnsonTeaching InterestsDementia Studies courses; End of Life Courses; Care Partnering and Dementia; Clinical Sociology and Aging.Research InterestsAdvanced Dementia Care Partnering, Non Linear Models of Alzheimer's Disease as Time Travel; End of Life Care; Sociology of Religion Topics.
Dr. Kim LeeLeeKimberlyAssociate Professor of PracticeEmail: kim.lee@txstate.eduENC 250(512) 245-3494Biography and EducationKim has modeled contemporary competence in professional practice through her leadership and management in a number of executive leadership positions over her 34 years in the healthcare industry.View Full Biography and Education for Dr. Kim Lee
Kim has served for 20 years in executive and senior leadership roles:
-From 2003 to 2013, first...Teaching InterestsDr. Lee has demonstrated purpose, expertise, instruction, and facilitation in the course subjects:View Full Teaching Interests for Dr. Kim Lee
*HA 5300, Healthcare Organization and Delivery
*HA 5346, Strategic Management
*HA 5362 & PT 7474 & PT 7364, Healthcare Organizational Behavior/Theory
*HA 5371, Marketing of Health...Research InterestsResearch Agenda for Dr. Kim Lee, PT, MSHP (MHA), PhD, FACHEView Full Research Interests for Dr. Kim Lee
Dr. Lee's primary research agenda includes exploration and writing in the areas of organizational leadership, organizational culture, and strategic management in acute, post-acute, outpatient, ambulatory, non-traditional, and wellness... -
Todd A MackenzieMackenzieToddClinical Assistant ProfessorEmail: mackenzie@txstate.eduENC 270(512) 245-3556Biography and EducationIn November 2012 Todd was appointed executive director and Austin Market Leader for Brookdale Senior Living; he is a respected leader in health care and rehabilitation services. With Texas State since 2002, currently serving as an assistant clinical professor and the LTCA Program CoordinatorView Full Biography and Education for Todd A Mackenzie
Todd...Teaching InterestsLeadership, Regulations, Finance, Strategy, Marketing and Business DevelopmentResearch InterestsBundled Payment Care Initiatives , 30 and 90 Avoidable Readmission, High Acuity Care, Post Acute Care, Person Centered Care, Transitional Care, Advanced Care Planning, Leadership -
Dr. Debarun MajumdarMajumdarDebarunProfessorEmail: dm28@txstate.eduTHH 473(512) 245-2479Biography and EducationDr. Debarun Majumdar has an undergraduate degree in Architecture and Regional Planning from the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur; a master's degree in Geography and Planning from University of Toledo; and a doctoral degree in sociology from Bowling Green State University.Teaching InterestsStatistics, demography.Research InterestsImmigration, health and well-being of marginalized groups such as the LGBTQ+ community.
Dr. Michael MileskiMileskiMichaelAssociate ProfessorEmail: mileski@txstate.eduENC 265(512) 245-7308
Dr. Keya SenSenKeyaShe/Her/Hers/HerselfAssistant ProfessorEmail: keyasen@txstate.eduENC 250(512) 245-3508Biography and EducationUniversity of North Texas
Ph.D. Health Services Research, August 2020
Dissertation: “The Relationship between Social Isolation and Wellbeing in Older Adults”
The State University of New York
M.S. Community Health
The University of Calcutta
B.Ed. EducationTeaching InterestsHealthcare Quality Improvement, Healthcare Culture and Management, Global Public Health, Community Health Education and Promotion, Health Informatics, Health Services AdministrationResearch InterestsSocial Isolation
Life Course and Aging
Community-Based Participatory Research for enhancing the quality of life for Older Adults